Short Story ’24 and Joan Nicholson Award

Hello writers!

Our ’24 competition is available now to view over on the Competitions tab with our marvellous guest judge Jessica Meade ready and waiting to peruse the talented work that makes it through to the shortlist.

Also, in SWC news, our internal members-only Joan Nicholson Award recently took place and was ably won by Becky Clementson, who can claim the trophy and bragging rights for a year. Well done, Becky!

Short Story ’24 and Joan Nicholson Award Read More »

Poetry ’24 Winners!

We have our winners, as graciously judged by Judith Railton.

The winners will be contacted over the next couple of days after confirmations and checks are done, so if you don’t hear from us by the end of the week, sadly your poem did not place. Do not despair though, competition was very tight and your work might make it through the next one!

We aim to have the Awards Night on 11th July, to be confirmed, after which the results will be publicly available.

Note – To those awaiting the full Short Story ’23 reports, apologies, there has been an issue due to a behind the scenes change. We will have them with you as soon as possible though!

Poetry ’24 Winners! Read More »

Southport Writers' Circle