Competition Results

SWC Poetry 2014 Results

With a big thanks to the talented Stephen Beattie, find below the winners, commendeds and judge’s thoughts on the Southport Writers’ Circle International Poetry Competition 2014


‘Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood’ T.S. Eliot.

Chief Judge’s Report – Stephen Beattie

“As final adjudicator I was delighted to receive over 120 poems from a total of 300. Firstly I would like to thank my fellow poet Denise Randall for selecting the final batch of poems and for her hard work running the admin side of the competition. All the poems Denise selected had merit and it was pleasing to see set forms represented, (Sestina, Sonnet and Villanelle), as well as Free Verse. I read all the poems at least three times and each one had something to say, in fact the hardest part of the adjudication process is letting a poem go knowing that the author has striven to produce their best work.

After the initial readings I was left with a long list of 50 which I then reduced to a short list of 20. All of the 20 were well crafted pieces and I’m sure many of them will have success elsewhere. However winning poems have to be chosen and although I am aware that poetry is very subjective I believe that the winners have produced work that provokes, entertains and enriches.

Thank you to all who entered the competition, your work has given me many hours of pleasure and quite a few, ‘Why didn’t I think of that!’ moments.”


1st Prize, Squinting at Fish by Pat Borthwick

Written in un-rhymed couplets with careful use of precise language Pat Borthwick tells the story of a blind person who partially regains their sight. This beautifully crafted poem never lapses into sentimentality and contains many wonderful images, I particularly like, ‘Frames as cold as Skegness sea’.


2nd Prize, Birdman with young owl by Jackie Wills

A poem that draws in the reader with a description of a couple meeting with a man

who has hand reared an owl. The poem appears deceptively simple until the final three

stanzas when themes of gender roles and control are introduced taking the work into a

much darker area.


3rd Prize, Invisible Man by Al Mcclimens

A playful poem with disturbing undertones about the loss of identity. The use of language is witty and direct and works well as a poem for the page and in performance.

Highly Commended, Descendents by Roger Elkin

Highly Commended, Dawn by Vaughan Rapatahana

Commended, Another Place by Ken Sullivan

Commended, If This Scene Were Two Dimensional by Pauline Hawkesworth

Commended, on the morning of my death by Jim Bennett


Local Prize, Tick Tock, Time’s Clock by Lynne Sutton

A feel-good poem describing a family sitting together after Sunday lunch. The entire piece is laden with imagery and the poet consistently shows rather than tells. The description of the grandparents in the second and third stanzas is stunning.

Highly Commended, In Care by Brian Wake

Commended, Taking Root by Lynne Sutton.


Humour Prize, A Bit On The Side, by Loraine Darcy

A delightful poem that made me laugh out loud but just as importantly the poet has taken care to ensure that the work conforms to the rules of poetry, something many writers of comic verse fail to do. The subject matter is saucy without ever descending into vulgarity and concludes with an excellent punch line, another poem that would work equally well on the page or in performance.

Highly Commended, Silverbacks by Darren Cannan

Commended, The man in the Moon by Joanne Fox

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Short Story 2013 Results

Thanks to all those who entered! We had hundreds of entries from all around the world, including Germany, Australia and even the Netherlands, and many were considered for the shortlist. However only a select few made it to the final cut, so congratulations to the skilled few.

Below, please find the judges comments and any highlighted story titles are available to read if you click on them.


CRITIQUE by Dennis Conlon


Thank you for asking me to judge your competition. It was an enjoyable task and good to see there are so many good writers around. The standard was very good. Naturally, even with a strict marking scheme, the result is always going to be subjective. Nevertheless, I am very satisfied with the choice of winner. Apologies to all those who didn’t win especially to those who thought they should have. There were many good pieces that didn’t make it for a variety of reasons. As with any competition of this nature, there was a great degree of differing styles and abilities. Some appealed, some didn’t. Some pieces were very well written but then, as may be expected, spoiled by the usual mistakes, POV being the most regular. It’s difficult to empathise with a protagonist if the writer suddenly jumps into another character’s head. There was a quantity of stories where the writer was unable to RUE, ‘resist the urge to explain’ and the usual smattering of over exposition. Having said all that, there was also a good deal of promise.



What I enjoyed most about this piece was the structure: very original. The writer uses an excellent device to separate the gaol location from the rest of the island and then brilliantly uses this device to execute the twist in the ending. At no point before the reveal is it predictable. The descriptive passages are very well done, giving a good flavour of place and time. Again, by use of the structure, the opening subtly draws the reader in without them knowing where they are being taken. The characters are confidently drawn and the action and pace evolves perfectly. Dialogue not only assists with characterisation it also enhances the plot without a hint of over exposition. Original and professional.



Well-written story, perfectly formatted, always a good pointer to any publisher’s reader. Clever use of character to set up the plot, totally believable. The writing is of good quality, creating the page-turner this piece is. Subtle introduction of third character that later becomes important. The pace is very well controlled and the dialogue and language really suits the piece. There is a danger that the denouement is flagged too early, which could have spoiled the piece but the writer gets over this with a nice but simple twist at the end.



Beautiful piece, simply written or simple piece, beautifully written, either suits. Good title. Sets off at a gentle pace, true to life characters. Although not properly formatted, this didn’t make it difficult to follow or detract from the story. Would need to be addressed if submitting for publication; however, the clarity of the dialogue makes it fluent and easy to read. The plot demands attention and is strongly moving. The pace is effortless.


HIGHLY COMMENDED – “DYING TO SPEAK” by Andrew Campbell Kearsey

Effectively written piece, laid out professionally and well set up with good language and dialogue. However, I felt the wheelchair was revealed unnecessarily early. Given that it was the main point of the plot, it didn’t need to be mentioned until the punch-line. Nevertheless, the characters were confidently drawn, the style was good and the piece was engaging.



I couldn’t decide which piece should be highly commended so I chose two. I really liked this story and feel it could have been placed had the writer taken more care of the protagonist narrator; which was a shame because the other characters were true to life, credible and instantly involved the reader. However, I didn’t discover the character was female until three quarters of the way through, a vital point given the relationship with the other two male characters: in particular, the antagonist. Nonetheless, it was professional, the plot was handled assuredly and the language was excellent, showing the writer’s sensitivity with words.

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2013 Poetry Competition Results

Southport Writers’ Circle International Poetry Competition 2013

“I like to use simple words, but in a complicated way”. Carole Ann Duffy.

As Final Adjudicator I received over 130 poems, from a total entry of almost 400, safe in the knowledge that the initial readings had been carried out by a team of experienced and accomplished poets. So, firstly, I would like to thank Denise Randall, Karen Paling, Phil McNulty and Dave Williams for their hard work, for presenting me with a body of high quality poems and for making my task a very difficult one!
I believe that the best poetry provokes, confronts and challenges the reader in a way that other forms of literature does not and many of the poems submitted to this competition did just that. I also agree with Roger McGough in that poetry should be accessible and understandable, I see no future for poetry that is wilfully obscure or written to please a few people in high academia.
As to the adjudication process, I read each poem many times over a three week period reducing the number of contenders to a short list of 20. The poems I rejected all had merit and I’m sure many will go on to success in poetry magazines or anthologies but somehow they lacked the vital spark that all competition poems should have. From the short list of 20 the winners, highly commended and commended gradually emerged, each poem again having been read and re-read, often in different locations and at different times of the day, until I was satisfied that I had chosen the best work. Finally I would like to thank everyone who entered the competition and wish you all success in your future writing careers and remember keep sending work out because poets need to be heard!

1st Prize, Chimney-bird by Noel Williams

A poem which at first appears deceptively simple but on subsequent readings reveals deep layers; the poet makes excellent use of metaphor and rich imagery to convey a sense of confusion, denial and loss. The poem consistently shows without telling and we are drawn into a world where a difficult truth has to be confronted.

2nd Prize, Widower by Claudia Jessop

This poem explores the cathartic properties of grief told from a human and animal point of view. The scenario of a widower and his dogs could easily have slipped into over-blown sentimentality but by careful use of language the poet avoids this and gives us a powerful piece of writing.

3rd Prize, Words and mud by Anna Mills

A sparsely written piece that reveals to the reader a complicated personal relationship; the poet makes subtle use of ambiguity and leads us through the highs and lows of the subject matter before revealing an unexpected truth.

Highly Commended, Night-scented stock by Noel Williams

Commended, Bukes by Peter Branson
Letters From my Mother by Gwyneth Box

Local Prize, Mining by Lynn Sutton

A beautifully crafted exploration of dreams which, by the poets careful choice of words, leads the reader in an ominous direction until the last two lines end on an uplifting note.

Commended, Warning: Flashing Images by Glenna Thompson-Joannou
Old Photographs by Matthew Thompson

Humour Prize, My Dog Nearly Ate My Homework by James Woolf

A delightful poem which starts with a clichéd premise and then, by clever use of spiralling absurdity, gives the reader a convoluted explanation as to why a child has failed to hand in homework. I particularly liked the mixture of full and slant rhyme.

Highly Commended, Mushrooms by Kate Wise

Commended, Mamils by Mark Hodgson

Stephen Beattie, June 2013

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Southport Writers' Circle