
Le voice of ye Circle, in ye electronique forme.

Short Story ’23 Winners

Read Winning Stories – CLICK HERE

Organiser’s Report

2023 was another bumper year for the Southport Writers’ Circle short story competition. We received almost 200 entries, the vast majority of which were digital, from across the globe. Stories were submitted from exotic locations such as Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand and (it says here) Barnoldswick. Again, we have been let down by Antarctica, from where we had no stories entered. Perhaps, one day, a carrier penguin will make it from the frozen South to Sunny Southport.

Everyone who entered should be proud of themselves, it takes a great deal of bravery to put creative endeavours under the scrutiny of judges. Many excellent stories could not find their way past our initial sifters: on another day, they would have found some success. Do not be disheartened, do not give up, there are other competitions, indeed other years and your work may yet be recognised.

There were a couple of entrants whose failed to follow the rules, and whose entries had to be excluded from the contest. A couple more failed to put sufficient postage on their envelopes, and only the Royal Mail are enjoying those stories. At least the winners we can share with you able to read the rules correctly.

I would like to extend an especial thanks to the members of the Circle who were volunteered to read the entries and select the best to go forward to our Chief Judge. Their diligence and dedication is to be commended. I hope that their therapy sessions will minimise the PTSD somewhat.

Our Chief Judge for 2023 was John Maguire, an actor, writer, director and tour guide – quite the man of many faces, really. His play “Kitty: Queen of the Washhouse” has been performed all over the country, and celebrates Catherine Wilkinson who improved public health in the Liverpool of the 1830’s. There is a statue in her honour in St. George’s Hall, where the play has been staged. He is also a great teller of tales, his “Liver Bird Safari” providing an excellent history of Liverpool’s famous avians and highlighting places – some unexpected – where they can be found.

Message from Pamela Gough, writer of the winning story
“Good evening, everyone. I would like to thank Southport Writers’ Circle for organising this competition and the awards evening – I know that a lot of work goes into making these things a success.  Many thanks to the readers, and especially the chief judge John Maguire, for selecting my story from all the entries. It is heartwarming to think that my writing has resonated with others.  Once again – thank you””Good evening, everyone. I would like to thank Southport Writers’ Circle for organising this competition and the awards evening – I know that a lot of work goes into making these things a success.  Many thanks to the readers, and especially the chief judge John Maguire, for selecting my story from all the entries. It is heartwarming to think that my writing has resonated with others.  Once again – thank you”


A Good Kid?

Pamela Gough


The Right Prescription

Sue Hoffman



Sue Hoffman


The Swimmer and the Queen by Natasha Derczynski

The Farmer’s Wife and Her Dimpled Thighs by Genevieve Flintham

Short Story ’23 Winners Read More »

Short Story ’23 Update 2!

We have our winners! Apologies to all for the delay with the Story ’23 results – There was some rule-breaking that caused a backlog. But! The winners are being contacted and the Awards Evening is being scheduled in with our kind judge, John Maguire, date TBC for mid-March.
Also! Poetry ’24 with judge Judith Railton is in full swing, head over to http://www.swconline.co.uk/category/competitions/ to enter.
Make sure to read the rules 😉

Short Story ’23 Update 2! Read More »

SWC Annual International Open Poetry Competition 2024

Online entries CLICK HERE

Guest Judge: Judith Railton

“I’ve written poetry since teenage years.  Inspired by people,  things, nature, places and events around me, a first line that comes to me in the night, workshops, a haiku Facebook group . My work has been published in anthologies, magazines, pamphlets and I do enjoy performing them with a real audience. As an artist I often include poetic fragments in my garment-like pieces.  

Collaborating with composer Steve Marshall has brought various music- poetry projects to life. 

During Covid lockdowns the Wirral Poetry Festival’ s Zoom workshops, Poetry Picnics  and  events supported us  in ways that saved our sanity and still  continue. Now, thankfully in person as well as online . It’s great to be part of the team. 

You can find me on Facebook and my poem-films on YouTube “

Closing Date – 30th April 2024

First Prize: £150, Second Prize: £75, Third Prize: £25

Catherine Fenerty Humour Prize: £25

RULES: Please read carefully

  • Entry fee is £3 per poem or four poems for £10 (online rate varies due to handling fees).
  • A maximum of 40 lines per poem is allowed.
  • No correspondence will be entered into regarding receipt of individual entries or payments.
  • Poem submissions should bear no identification of the poet – Make sure details are separate.
  • For postal entries, Cheques/Postal orders should be in sterling and payable to: SOUTHPORT WRITERS’ CIRCLE.
  • Humour entries should be marked with an ‘H’ in the top left of the page. Humour entrants are not disqualified from also winning main prizes.
  • Please enclose a separate sheet with your full contact details (address, email, phone number) and list of titles submitted. For online entries, this contact information should be put in the body of the email.
  • All entries must be typed (on A4 paper for postal entries) in English (dialects allowable), and must be the original, unpublished work of the entrant (previous publication includes via internet or independent press).
  • If your work is published in any form after entry, please let us know. In some cases this may disqualify your entry and entitle you to a refund of your entry fee.
  • For online entries, please include PayPal ref. number in body of email OR put the poem(s) names in the comments (information) box when paying.
  • Please use basic formatting in any of .doc, .docx, rich text (.rtf) or .odf file types when attaching your file to the email. Any .pdfs, .pages, sidebars, headers, footers or unusual layouts may result in your electronic entry being rejected without notice.
  • Do not paste your entries in the body of an email.
  • The closing date for entries will be at midnight on the 30th April 2024. Winners will be informed approx. June, general availability of results thereafter. There may be a delay publishing results and/or winning poems depending on circumstances and permissions.
  • Any correspondence deemed to be an attempt to circumvent the judging process may cause your entry to be withdrawn. Any excessive representations may cause disqualification.
  • Please keep a copy of your poem(s) as manuscripts will not be returned.
  • Please do not contact us regarding bounced payments unless you are certain Paypal is not functional.
  • The organiser’s/adjudicator’s decisions are final.
  • Results will be available on this website following the Awards Evening.
  • No application form is required.

Postal entry envelopes should be sent to:-

SWC Poetry Competition

5 Carrwood Park




  • Please DO NOT send entries by signed-for delivery or send any other material such as return/receipt postcards as these will be disregarded/destroyed.

Online entries CLICK HERE

SWC Annual International Open Poetry Competition 2024 Read More »

Southport Writers' Circle