Southport Writers’ Circle Open Short Story Competition 2012

 First prize: £150      Second prize: £75     Third prize: £25

Closing date: 31st October 2012

Online entries available HERE

 Chief Judge: Dr. Valerie Williamson

 Val Williamson short fiction has been published in magazines, and in collections including Time Out and Richard and Judy’s Winning Stories, and broadcast on BBC radio. She writes in several genres for adults and children, and has been published in magazines as diverse as Back Street Heroes, My Weekly and Twinkle Comic. More recently she has published chapters in academic books about cultural engagement with fiction and its genres in several media. Val has tutored writers at events including the Writers’ Summer School and the Writers’ Holiday, and has now possibly adjudicated more competitions than she has entered.


Your entry should be an unpublished, original story on any theme of up to 2000 words.

  • Don’t put your name on your story but do give it a title.
  • You don’t need an entry form. Send us a cover sheet for each entry with the story’s title, word count, your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address for results.
  • The fee is £3.00 for each story, or £10 for 4.  You can pay by cheque or postal order made out to Southport Writers’ Circle.

Copyright remains with the author but winning entries may

be displayed on this site for 12 months.

Send entries to:

Short Story Competition

Southport Writers’ Circle

Flat 3, 35 Saunders Street




If you have no e-mail please supply SAE for results.

Online entries available HERE

Winners will be informed in December.

Optional – Single-Spaced ‘Green’ entries encouraged.


Southport Writers' Circle